Michelle Courtney Berry

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Five Habits and Hacks to Get Healthy Fast

We all know it’s hard to stay on track when your attention, energy, and ideas pull in different directions. That’s why it’s essential to create healthy habits that you can stick with to maintain your wellness. Some of the advice we get on staying healthy is too hard to accomplish in one fell swoop, so it’s important to take baby steps toward your big goals. 

Just like we “chunk” a project to get it done, we also need to do small things to self-correct our bad habits. In other words, to use a well-worn cliché, “don’t bite off more than you can chew. Though many of us live stressful, demanding lives, with just a little tweaking here and there, we can develop healthy habits that will help us live healthier and more productive lives.

I will take the standard advice and “hack them” to make them more manageable and, thus, “doable.” 

1. Exercise regularly.  We all hear that “sitting is the new smoking,” but how can we get more exercise that doesn’t end up being extreme (too much or too little?) 

Hack:   Don’t beat yourself up for the missed time; start today. Block off non-negotiable times you will exercise. This could be tracking steps, walking the dog (or cat - hey, it can happen, but you have to start them as kittens typically), starting an at-home workout routine, or committing to a routine that works for you. It has to be enjoyable and regular, and it must include a non-negotiable time every day, or you will blow it off. And when I say non-negotiable, that’s what I mean. You deserve that time, don’t give it to others unless it’s an absolute emergency. 

2. Drink more water.  We hear this is important, but most of you reading this are dehydrated right now, and it’s debatable if you need 64 oz or more. Some researchers say that you need to take your body weight, divide it in half and convert that half to ounces. For example, if you weigh 170 pounds, half is 85 lbs. Thus, you would need 85 oz. of water daily. Can’t quite wrap your head around all this? Then, try this first: It would be best if you are hydrated after bodywork (massage, etc.) or exercise, so don’t skip that. But if you’re aiming for 64 oz., that would mean you weigh 128 lbs. If you weigh more, you need more water. Just start somewhere.

Hack:  Get a 32 oz water bottle and fill it up. Commit to sipping from breakfast through lunch and being done by lunch.  Refill and repeat - with sipping from lunch through dinner. Voila!

3. Plan healthy meals. Don’t grumble about this. Just do it. This is the best way to stay healthy, eat whole foods, cut the crap out of your meals, cut sodium substantially, save money, and lose weight.

Shopping Hack:  I do all my shopping (hello, Instacart!) primarily online. Time is money, and I consistently overspend at the grocery store, mainly if I shop hungry, which I tend to do. 

Breakfast Hack:  Make breakfast simple. Toss some delicious frozen fruit, a handful of spinach, flax seeds, ginger, and anything else that makes your smoothie sing into plastic freezer bags. Come morning:  pop into the blender with water or nut milk, and you’re done. Or, if you want something a bit warmer, make overnight oats and refrigerate them. Heat up, and you’re done. 

Lunch/Dinner Hack:  I make all week’s meals on Sundays. This is labor-intensive and a little sucky, but guess what? I don’t have to scramble my butt around during the week worrying about what’s for lunch? What’s for dinner?  Hello, InstaPot! If I could marry that thing, I would. It has cut all of my cooking time by more than half. 

Make a bunch of lunches and dinners ahead of time, and refrigerate or freeze. This frees your time for not having to worry about what I am eating, AND you are putting more healthy food into your body. 

I swear by this cookbook:   Instant Loss:  Eat Real, Lose Weight by the amazingly inspirational Brittany Williams. I use the plant-based recipes in here cookbook exclusively, although there are other options. Since I’m back to being #vegan, the couple behind this business consistently puts out great content, tips, recipes, and guidebooks at their Nutritiously site: https://nutriciously.com/.

And when I don’t have time to shop and cook? I use a local woman-owned business to make healthy, home-cooked meals for either pickup or delivery. 

4. Floss. See your dentist twice a year. Rinse and repeat. People, don’t skip flossing. Yes, it takes more time, but it can add six years to your life. Srsly. Bacteria that form plaque can enter your bloodstream and cause you to have a heart attack. I’ve been impressed that my fantastic dentist and her team also take my blood pressure and other vitals at each appointment.  I use both regular floss and a water pic.

Hack: While flossing, listen to some fun music, then set a timer for 2 minutes, and make sure you brush that entire time. Music makes you forget you don’t like to brush for 2 minutes. Or get a toothbrush with a timer. I like Quip because I don’t have to think about when refills come for new brush heads, paste, and floss.

5. Sleep.  We are such a sleep-deprived nation! We all know the most common effects caused by the lack of sleep—more prone to accidents, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and depression.  But the consequences sleep deprivation over time can have devastating consequences. One recent study informs us that the lack of sleep may cause the brain to start destroying itself. Your brain cells die from prolonged sleep deprivation. So, what can you do until I give you more surefire tips next month? 

Hack:  Baby steps. See a professional. Acupuncture works wonders. Clear your bedroom of screens. That means no TV, laptop, cell phone, and other devices. Make your bed for sleep, not for watching things. Here are 48 other hacks.